In 2002, upon graduation from college, Robert Matthew (Matt) Griggs returned home to farm with his father Bobby. He took over management of Griggs Farms in 2005 and joint ownership with his sister Jocelyn Bundy.  In 2007, they formed a Limited Liability Company named Griggs Farms LLC.  In 2009, Matt took over sole ownership of the farm.  Jocelyn continues to serve as Secretary and manage the finances.  Since 2006, Matt has integrated wheat, rye, cover crops, and manure into the farming operation, focusing on high yield sustainable practices that heal the soil and protect the environment. 

ReEnvision Ag CEO Jayson Ryner first met Matt Griggs through Farm Bureau.  ReEnvision Co-Founder, Andy Hill, connected us to Matt through Jason Luckey with Tennesee Farm Bureau.  Matt agreed to join a zoom call for customer discovery centered around cotton planting into green cover crops.

Matt Griggs –  Featured on History Channel’s “The American Farm”

“The conditions we’re planting into, into a thick biomass of cover crops has been the biggest difficulty trying to figure out how to do it and get a successful stand of cotton has been the most difficult thing I’ve ever experienced.”      Matt Griggs – Gibson, TN County Farmer


“If this system had been around 5 years ago and been proven, the route I would have taken with my planter would have been a complete 180 from what I’m doing right now.”
Matt Griggs – Gibson, TN   County Farmer